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How to buy on successfully - A Step-by-Step Guide

Published: December 7, 2023
7 mins read


In the dynamic world of freelancing, emerges as a powerhouse, offering a gateway for individuals worldwide to showcase their skills and capitalize on their unique talents. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you embark on your journey to success on Fiverr.

1. Diverse Skill Showcase:

Fiverr provides a platform where you can showcase an extensive array of skills, from graphic design and writing to programming and digital marketing. This diversity allows you to explore and monetize your unique talents.

2. Global Reach, Local Impact:

One of Fiverr's standout features is its global reach. You can connect with clients from around the world, expanding your horizons and diversifying your portfolio. Simultaneously, you have the opportunity to make a local impact by offering services tailored to specific markets.

3. Flexible Work Arrangements:

Fiverr promotes flexibility in work arrangements. As a freelancer, you can set your own prices, work hours, and service packages. This flexibility enables you to balance your professional and personal life according to your preferences.

4. Built-In Trust:

Fiverr's review system builds a foundation of trust between freelancers and clients. Positive reviews and ratings can significantly enhance your visibility and attract more clients. Delivering quality work and maintaining professionalism are key factors in establishing a stellar reputation.

5. Secure Payment System:

Fiverr ensures secure and timely payments. The platform uses a milestone payment system, assuring freelancers that they will be compensated for their work. This financial security contributes to a positive and trusting relationship between freelancers and clients.

6. Continuous Skill Development:

Fiverr encourages continuous skill development. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting, there's always room to grow. Leverage Fiverr's platform to enhance your skills, stay relevant in your industry, and attract a broader clientele.

7. Community Support:

The Fiverr community provides a support system where freelancers can connect, share experiences, and seek advice. Engaging with the community enhances your overall Fiverr experience and opens doors to collaboration opportunities.

Conclusion: is more than a freelancing platform; it's a gateway to unleashing your potential and earning on your terms. By diversifying your skills, embracing flexibility, and building a stellar reputation, you can turn your passion into profit and carve your niche in the dynamic world of online freelancing. Register on Fiverr today, and embark on a journey where your skills are not just recognized but also rewarded.

How to buy on Fiverr successfully - A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re a business owner looking to scale and grow faster, buying relevant and affordable gigs is one of the best business decisions. There are many freelancers’ markets places, such as Fiverr and Upwork, to buy gigs at a significantly lower price.

But if you’re a first-time user on these platforms, you might be confused about how to place your order.

At first, placing your order might be a bit complicated, but it’s easy to buy on Fiverr and other freelancers’ market platforms if you follow the simple steps described in this post.

Although this article focuses on how to buy Fiverr gigs successfully, the steps described here apply to other freelancers’ markets, such as People per Hour, Upwork, SEO Clerks, etc.

So even if you’re not buying on Fiverr, you can follow the process here to hire a freelancer on any marketplace and place your order successfully.

We will cover other aspects in this post that will significantly benefit you – especially if you’re a first-time user of this freelance market platform.

Without wasting your time, let’s walk through how to use Fiverr as a buyer together…

Register Your Account

First things first, you need to create a Fiverr buyer’s account.

Like any other marketplace, if you’re buying on Fiverr for the first time, you must sign up for a buyer’s account. On most platforms, both buyers and sellers need to create an account.

By default, all newly created accounts on Fiverr are buyer’s accounts. You can switch to the seller’s account after the buyer’s account has been approved and activated.

The Fiverr age requirement is at least 18 years. People under 18 but at least 13 can only use the website under a guardian or their parent’s account.

If you’re under 13, you cannot use the Fiverr website as a seller or buyer.

So, if none of the restrictions applies to you, and you do not have an existing Fiverr account, click here to sign up for your buyer’s account.

The process is simple to understand. You need an active email account, name, profile picture, and billing details.

Click the “Join” button at the top right corner of the Fiverr homepage.

Enter your email address in the field on the next page and click the continue button. You can join Fiverr with your Facebook account, Google Connects, and Apple Connect.

These are quick processes to join. But I prefer using your email address to complete the process. You might decide to close your Facebook tomorrow, but your email address is yours.

Next, choose your Fiverr username and password. Once you set up your Fiverr account profile, your username cannot be changed in the future. So, think hard and long before making a decision.

Click on the “Join” button to complete the signup process.

A confirmation message will be sent to your email address. You must activate your account by clicking the “Activate Your Account” button on that email.

Once your account is activated, you’re a registered Fiverr member. And you can begin your buyer’s experience on the platform.

Next, let’s walk through the easiest way to buy on Fiverr so you can quickly wade through the irrelevant ones.

Use The Search Box

There are lots (millions) of gigs listed on Fiverr that make it completely overwhelming to search through—more than 500 service categories.

A single search query can return hundreds (even thousands) of results. As a first-time user, this might confuse you and lead to time-wasting.

The simplest way to search through gigs on Fiverr is to use the search box. It will help you search for exactly what you’re looking for.

While Fiverr has done a great job simplifying the search process, there is still much to do.

For instance, in the Digital Marketing category, if you’re looking for specific SEO services, finding the service you’re looking for could be a time-consuming task.

I was looking for a link-building gig on the platform using the “Digital Marketing” tab in the navigation menu.

These are the options.

As you can see, this option does not give us exactly what we want.

Instead, use the search box.

The search box provides a better search experience and leads us quickly to hire the correct freelancer on Fiverr.

I typed “SEO link building” in the search box, and here is the result.


This is a better and quicker process to find relevant gigs on Fiverr.

Now, let’s dive into how you can find the right freelancer or seller on Fiverr

This process is much harder—many sellers or freelancers with similar services for almost the same price.

But there are steps you can follow to narrow down your options and hire the right freelancer for the task.

Let’s find out below…

How to Find the Right Gig or Freelancer on Fiverr

While there are no right or wrong ways to find freelancers for your project, here are a couple of steps you can use today to hire the right one for the task:

Use Fiverr Filter

Fiverr provides many filter options to find relevant gigs on the website. You can search by:


Your budget plays a crucial role in your search.

It will determine the quality of services you get, the level of seller you can afford to hire, and much more.

Of course, you can get gigs at $5, but that’s not so much of a quality one.

Most sellers on Fiverr have different tiers of gigs offering. The higher the quality of the gig, the more it is priced.

To save time, use the budget filtering option on the page to search for gigs within your budget.

Quality of Work

This is obvious and an extension of the above point.

The quality of work you want will determine the level of freelancer you hire.

If you want top-quality work done, you may want someone with previous experience and a track record to handle your project.

Fiverr has done an excellent job in vetting top-rated sellers with at least 100 orders completed on time and a minimum of 4.7 ratings.

These are Fiverr sellers or freelancers with proven work experience and returned happy customers.

You can see some of the past brands or companies the seller has worked with.

This will give you an idea of what quality of services you should expect.

To quickly search for top-rated sellers on Fiverr, use the “Pro Service” filtering option on the page and sort by “Bestselling” or “New arrival.”

This option will filter the result to your search’s top-rated seller.

If you’re not looking for a certain level of work quality, you can leave the search filter as it is. The search result will return the most relevant gigs to your search queries.

Gig Description

The gig description is another thing to watch out for when searching for the right Fiverr freelancer for your project.

The description should contain every detail about the gig offers. And it should be about the gig headline and relevant to your search queries.

Read the gig description carefully before attempting to contact the seller. You’ll know what to expect from the service by reading the description.

You can now make contact for clarification if there is anything you do not understand.


This is a helpful feature on Fiverr and helps to see the seller’s work portfolio.

Some sellers have started adding work portfolios to their gig profiles on Fiverr.

While this is not on its convincing proof that you will get similar results, it makes sense to see the type of results the seller can achieve.

But trade carefully here, especially if it concerns illustration, images, etc. There have been cases of sellers taking other people’s work and adding it to their portfolios.

If you suspect something, ask the seller for more information.

Post a Request

Sometimes, you may not find the same gig you want on Fiverr for a weird reason. This is one of the times the Post a Request feature is useful.

You can post your job description on Fiverr for interested freelancers to see.

This will help you attract the right person to your job because you provide detailed information on what you want and how you want it.

People who are interested in taking your job will respond with offers. You can now go through the responses to find your best fit.

Delivery Time

The time frame required to complete the task is one of the most important factors when hiring a freelancer.

Do you want a situation where you’ll be chasing a seller to complete your job?

So, you should carefully review the gig description and details to learn about the gig delivery time.

Also, you may need to compare each gig package to see the difference in the delivery time and added services.

Most sellers offer three gig packages for one listing—Basic, Standard, and Premium.

Each comes with a different time frame, features, services, and costs.

Your needs, budget, and business requirements will determine your purchase package.

After going through the vetting process, and you’ve selected the best candidate for the task, it’s time to get in touch with the seller.

You probably have a few questions before placing your order.

Contact The Seller

You must contact the seller before placing your order on Fiverr.

Let the seller know what you want from the offering. What type of results are you expecting to see?

For instance, I wanted to purchase a link-building gig that promises link placement on a DA 55 news website.

After reviewing the gig, I contacted the seller about possibly sharing the website URL to verify.

Yes, he did share the URL with me, after which I ran the domain with a link explorer tool.

I was satisfied with the domain SEO metrics; after that, I provided him with the details of what I wanted, the type of article, anchor text, and duration.

Most sellers will gladly share more information with you if you ask. Provided it will help in facilitating the deal.

Place Your Fiverr Order

Now that you’ve done all the initial research and found the right seller and gig, it’s time to buy on Fiverr.

Placing your order on Fiverr is simple, easy, and secure, guaranteeing to protect your data and privacy.

First, select the package you want from the three available options, then click continue.

It will open a panel by the right where you can choose whether you want this order as a one-time purchase or a monthly subscription offer.

You can save 10% to 15% on your second order if the gig is available in a monthly subscription.

If you click on the “subscribe to safe” section in the panel, it will unlock the monthly subscription plans. You can now select the plan you want with the discount offer.

Click on the continue button when you’re done.

It will open a new page to customize your order. Here you can add relevant gig extras to your purchase.

Adding other gig extras to your order will reflect your payment summary on the right.

When you’re done, click the “Continue to checkout” button. This action will take you to the payment processing page.

This is where your payment option will be charged, and a purchase receipt will be issued.

Next, you will be taken to a page where you can submit gig requirements to the seller. This is where you will enter every detail the freelancer needs to begin working on your project.

On this page, you should be as thorough as you can. Make your point short. Go straight to the point, and be clear in your statement.

You have only 2,500 characters to pass your message across to the seller.

When you’re done writing the requirements, check the box to give approval to the accuracy of your information and click on the “Start Order” button.

That’s it; your order is now in progress.

On the next page, you will see the full details of your order—the expected delivery date, payment summary, time of payment, gig order, etc.

You can make payments from multiple gateway options. Let’s see each of the Fiverr payment methods below.

Fiverr Payment Methods

Fiverr offers two payment gateway options: PayPal and credit/debit card.

You can connect your preferred method on the payment processing page.

Whether it is PayPal or a credit card, the process is simple.

Fiverr accepts Visa, Mastercard, Discovery Network, Diners club international, and JCB for credit or debit card payments.

So, rest assured that your favorite payment option will go through on the platform.

FAQ – Buying on Fiverr

Can You Tip on Fiverr

Yes, as a buyer, you can offer a tip on Fiverr after a successful gig delivery and payment. The option to offer a tip will be available for seven days, after which you won’t be able to do so.

However, you can only give a tip after you’ve left a review on the seller’s service delivery. This ensures you’re satisfied with the services to offer a bonus.

There is a minimum $5 tip for a gig order under $25 and a maximum of 100% tip for gig orders above $25.

How do I purchase on Fiverr?

Here are the steps to purchase on Fiverr for a first-time buyer.

First, you must create and verify an account with an email address and a username. I have discussed the steps in this article extensively.

Next, use the Fiverr search tools to find the proper gig or freelancers. After that, you might need to contact the seller for further clarification. If you’re satisfied with the gig offers, the next thing is to place your order and make the payment.

Can You Get a Refund on Fiverr?

You can get a refund if an order is canceled for certain reasons. You may request a refund if the gig services are not delivered according to the description on the gig page.

However, you can not request a refund for a logo design gig after the services have been delivered and payment has been made.

Also, before you can request a refund, Fiverr encourages buyers and sellers to try to resolve the issue mutually using the resolution center before contacting the customer support department.

A refund request will not be entertained if a buyer hasn’t contacted the seller for a possible resolution.

Conclusion…How to Buy on Fiverr

Following the process described in this post, buying on Fiverr is easy without hassle.

The most important task is finding the proper gig that fits your business requirements and budget.

Fiverr is one of the great places businesses go to find affordable services for less than the prices anywhere else on the internet.

Please take advantage of it now, and build your dream business.

Review of is a popular online marketplace that connects freelancers with clients seeking various services. Here is an overview of the pros and cons of using

    1. Vast Variety: Fiverr offers a wide range of services, with thousands of talented freelancers available across different categories such as writing, design, programming, marketing, and more. This makes it easy to find someone with the specific skills you need for your project.
    2.Affordability: As the name suggests, Fiverr originally started with services priced at $5, but has since evolved to offer services at different price points. Many freelancers offer competitive rates, making it a cost-effective option for businesses or individuals on a budget.
    3.User-Friendly: Fiverr's platform is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy to navigate and find the services you need. The search functionality, filters, and intuitive interface simplify the process of finding and hiring freelancers.
    4. Reviews and Ratings: Fiverr allows both buyers and sellers to leave feedback and ratings after a transaction, providing transparency and accountability. This feature helps you assess the quality of a freelancer's work and make informed decisions.
    1. Quality Control: While there are many talented freelancers on Fiverr, the platform also attracts less experienced or lower-skilled individuals. As a result, it's important for buyers to thoroughly review a freelancer's profile, portfolio, and reviews before making a hiring decision to ensure they meet their requirements.
    2. Communication Challenges: As Fiverr connects freelancers from around the world, language barriers and communication issues can occasionally arise. Clear communication and expectations-setting are crucial to avoid misunderstandings and ensure the desired outcome.
    3. Limited Personal Interaction:Fiverr primarily focuses on transactional relationships between buyers and sellers, which means there may be limited opportunities for ongoing collaboration or personalized attention. This can be a drawback for those seeking long-term partnerships or complex projects that require extensive communication.

User Reviews and Ratings:

    Fiverr provides a transparent rating and review system, allowing you to gauge the quality and reliability of a seller before making a purchase. This helps in making an informed decision and ensures you choose a reputable freelancer.
    1. Quality Varies: While Fiverr has many talented freelancers, the quality of work can vary. Some sellers may not deliver the expected results, leading to disappointment. It's crucial to thoroughly review a seller's portfolio and read feedback from previous clients before making a commitment.

Feedback and Ratings:

    Fiverr has a robust feedback and rating system, enabling buyers to make informed decisions based on the reputation and past performance of freelancers. This helps ensure quality and reliability.
    1. Quality Control:
    While Fiverr has many talented freelancers, the platform lacks strict quality control measures. This means that the quality of work can vary, and there is a risk of encountering less experienced or unreliable freelancers. It's essential to thoroughly review a freelancer's portfolio and ratings before making a hiring decision.

Overall, is a valuable platform for finding affordable and diverse freelancers, offering a range of services to cater to various needs. With careful consideration of a freelancer's profile and effective communication, Fiverr can be a great resource for outsourcing projects efficiently and cost-effectively.

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